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Book Cover for Career Judo
CAREER JUDO by Career Coach John Long
Published by Balboa Press


Career Judo offers you practical advice if you are seeking a more mindful career journey—whether you are just starting out in the working world, in a mid-career change, or even aiming to retire and do something entirely different. Each chapter gives real-world guidance that you can put into practice immediately, while helping you be mindful of the process of positive change.

CAREER JUDO will guide you through:

  • Exercises and self-assessments pertaining to your strengths, values, interests, and personality

  • Networking, career exploration, career mapping, and work-life synergy

  • Exercises to research selected career paths

  • Developing targeted career materials that make an impact, including resume, letters, reference sheet, and LinkedIn profiles

  • Proactive job search strategies: discovering the hidden job market

  • Development of the unique brand called “You”

  • Successful interview techniques and self-promotional strategies

  • Finding flow in your career progression

  • Mindfulness techniques for successful life-long career evolution



The Search for a True Fit, Meaningful Career


Chapter 1: White Belt
Gaining Insight and Self-knowledge


Chapter 2: Yellow Belt
Claiming and Promoting Your Brand


Chapter 3: Green Belt
The Pro-Active Job Search


Chapter 4: Brown Belt


Chapter 5: Black Belt


Chapter 6: Beyond the Black Belt
The Mindful Career

You will find many resources at that can be helpful for you on your journey to find your best career fit. In this book, when you see this icon [◑] you’ll find web links, PDFs and tools related to the topic online for you.

Commit to doing the necessary work, and you’ll advance from white belt to black belt and progress from good to better to best career fit!


Copyright © 2017 John E. Long, Ed.S. with Erin Newman.


Cover image/logo designed by Joseph DiPietro.
Photographs of John Long courtesy of Jamie Tucker at JET-Imaging, Atlanta, Georgia.


All rights reserved. No part of this book or website may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

We are not liable for any injury or damage caused by omissions, unintentional false statements, or other inaccuracies. No verbal or written promise or guarantee of job placement or employment is made or implied through the use of our information and resources.


ISBN: 978-1-5043-8476-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-8478-0 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-8477-3 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017911747

"There is a path to a more meaningful career." -- J.E. Long

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